Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance

During my work as a therapist, I realized that the healing process does not only take place on the physical level. People are not well,
just because the physical symptoms disappeared. Feeling well on all levels is important for sustainable recovery and well-being.
Problems, pain and illness are forms of communication of our subconsciousness showing us that we are on the wrong track and that we have
to change something. Healing is a process of transforming the individual, the body and the mind.

Beliefs, world views and habits are changed. To achieve balance on a physical, mental and spiritual level often requires a cleansing,
disengagement and healing on the subtle level.

Changes reach the lowest levels of your subconsciousness. Working in the energy system raises the awareness of subconscious blocks and
helps to solve these blocks, which might prevent us from being physically and spiritually healthy and in balance with ourselves and our

Are there things you would like to resolve once and for all?
Are you stricken by chronic problems?
Are there any unsolved situations and conflicts in your life?
Are there things that block you?
Do you have difficulties with people in your social environment or with yourself?
Are you at risk of depression or burn out?
With a lot of sensitivity and empathy I will walk you through difficult situations in order to resolve
“emotional blocks”.
With an in depth talk, channeled mediation and individual methods you transform and release blocks, old patterns,
fears and conflicts.

Wahltherapeutin; Rückverrechnung mit allen Kassen